Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Food, food, glorious food!

Hrana, hrana, predivna hrana!

Kreativnost moze biti sakrivena na cudnim mestima. Ne mora se "visiti" po muzejima i galerijama, da bi se bio umetnik. Ako se tako osecas, onda je to- to. Budes sam svoj mali umetnik u zivotu, priznat od sebe samog, sto je i najbitnije, jer, dzaba ti slava, ako te izjeda nesigurnost. Jedan od dobrih nacina za oslobadjanje od straha "sta ce ljudi reci" je baviti se hranom. Tu postoji mnogo mogucnosti za kombinovanje, sto ukusa, to i boja i oblika, a krajnji rezultat ce ionako biti pojeden. Nema dokaza- nema zlocina :D
Sa hranom sam se "igrala" odmalena. Kad sam postala mama, dobila sam fantastican izgovor za to. U stvari, nije to ni bio izgovor, nego dobro smisljenja kampanja radi popularizovanja manje omiljene hrane. Tako je moje dete obozavalo cveklu, spanac i sargarepu, na opste zgrazavanje druge dece. Onda su dosli sestrici, bratanci i cela armija dece iz komsiluka i rodbine.....
Tradicionalno, mojim omiljenim klincima, za Novu godinu pravim keksice raznih oblika, prelivenih fondanom u raznim bojama i isto tako tradicionalno ih ne slikam. Koliko volim da pravim, toliko ne volim da slikam. I svake godine se zaricem da cu ih sledece sigurno uslikati i to je najveca laz kojom lazem samu sebe. Ali, zato je moja cerka slikala kolacice koje sam pravila svom zetu za rodjendan, a ja cu dati i recept, pa da dozivljaj bude potpun:
Umesiti testo od: 250g brasna, 125g secera, 1 kesice vanilinog secera, 1 jajeta i 125g margarina. Uviti ga u foliju i ostaviti 1/2 sata u frizider, da se ohladi. Razviti koru i modlama vaditi keksice u raznim oblicima. Ispeci i po zelji ukrasiti obojenim fondanom, sarenim mrvicama, preliti cokoladom......sve po zelji i kako vas masta ponese :)

Food, Food, Glorious Food!

Creativity could be hidden in strange places. No need to be "hanged" in museums or galleries in order to be an artist. If you feel like one- that's it. You are your own little artist in life, recognized by yourself, which is the most important, because it's useless to be famous if you lack self-confidence. One of the best ways to get rid of the "what will people say" fear is to deal with food. There are many ways of combining different tastes, colors and shapes and the best thing is that the result of it will be eaten anyway. No evidence- no crime :D
I was playing with food since I was a little girl. When I became a mom, I've got a fantastic excuse for it. In fact, it wasn't quite an excuse, more a well planned campaign in popularizing less favorite food. On that way, my kid simply adored beet, spinach and carrots which made other kids sick. After that, there came nephews and nieces, as well as the whole bunch of kids in neighborhood and family....
Traditionally, for the New Year, my favorite kids get my home made cookies, in different shapes and coated with colorful castor sugar and also traditionally, I miss to take pictures of them. As much I enjoy in making cookies, I don't enjoy in taking pictures at all. And every year, I promise to myself that I'll take pictures next year and it turns to the biggest lie. But my daughter took pictures of cookies that I made as a birthday present for my brother-in-law and I'll write a recipe, so the experience will be complete:
Make a dough from: 250g of flour, 125g sugar, a little vanilla, 1 egg and 125g of butter. Wrap in foil and leave in the refrigerator for a half of an hour to chill. Roll the dough with rolling pin to 0.5mm and cut out cookies with different molds, bake and cover with colored castor sugar, sprinkles, or melted chocolate..... according to your playful imagination and creativity :)   


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