Moja porodica
Osim cerke, koju imam vec 19 godina, tu je pas Negro, koji ima 3 godine, macka Dusica, koja ima oko godinu dana (tacan broj se ne zna, jer je jako sujetna, pa krije godine) i njena dva maceta od po 3 meseca, Izi i Gimli. To je nasa srecna porodica, u kojoj se svi vole i brinu jedni o drugima. Osim Dusice. Ona brine samo o sebi i o macicima, kadgod ne uspe da ih utrapi meni. Mi smo, uslovno receno, simbioza tri razlicite zivotinjske vrste i to nam uopste ne smeta. Naprotiv, slozniji smo od mnogih porodica, ciji su clanovi pripadnici iste vrste. Ovde pre svega, mislim na ljude. Na one koji nisu cudni i srecni. Mi, cudni, spavamo i jedemo sa zivotinjama i srecni smo zbog toga. One nam pruzaju nesebicnu ljubav i vole nas zbog nas samih, zato sto i mi njih volimo. Ne osudjuju nas stil oblacenja, ni nacin zivota, jer su nam prijatelji. A, prijatelji to rade: postuju se medjusobno i podrzavaju u dobru i zlu.
My family
Beside my daughter, who's with me for 19 years, there is Negro the dog (3 years old), Dushitza the cat (about an year, the real number of her ages is unknown, because she's a lady, hides it very well) and her two kittens (3 months old) Issie and Gimley. This is our happy family, where we all love and take care of each other. Except Dushitza. She takes care of her kittens, unless she foist them on me. Still, we're a symbiosis of 3 different animal kinds and we're good with that. On the contrary, we're more harmonious than many families made of the same kind. First of all, I mean of people. Those who are not funny and happy. We, the funny ones, sleep and eat with animals and feel happy about it. They give us unconditional love and care for us because of what we are and because we love them back. Never judge our style, or way of life, because they are our friends. And friends do that: respect themselves and support each other in good and bad.
Osim cerke, koju imam vec 19 godina, tu je pas Negro, koji ima 3 godine, macka Dusica, koja ima oko godinu dana (tacan broj se ne zna, jer je jako sujetna, pa krije godine) i njena dva maceta od po 3 meseca, Izi i Gimli. To je nasa srecna porodica, u kojoj se svi vole i brinu jedni o drugima. Osim Dusice. Ona brine samo o sebi i o macicima, kadgod ne uspe da ih utrapi meni. Mi smo, uslovno receno, simbioza tri razlicite zivotinjske vrste i to nam uopste ne smeta. Naprotiv, slozniji smo od mnogih porodica, ciji su clanovi pripadnici iste vrste. Ovde pre svega, mislim na ljude. Na one koji nisu cudni i srecni. Mi, cudni, spavamo i jedemo sa zivotinjama i srecni smo zbog toga. One nam pruzaju nesebicnu ljubav i vole nas zbog nas samih, zato sto i mi njih volimo. Ne osudjuju nas stil oblacenja, ni nacin zivota, jer su nam prijatelji. A, prijatelji to rade: postuju se medjusobno i podrzavaju u dobru i zlu.
My family
Beside my daughter, who's with me for 19 years, there is Negro the dog (3 years old), Dushitza the cat (about an year, the real number of her ages is unknown, because she's a lady, hides it very well) and her two kittens (3 months old) Issie and Gimley. This is our happy family, where we all love and take care of each other. Except Dushitza. She takes care of her kittens, unless she foist them on me. Still, we're a symbiosis of 3 different animal kinds and we're good with that. On the contrary, we're more harmonious than many families made of the same kind. First of all, I mean of people. Those who are not funny and happy. We, the funny ones, sleep and eat with animals and feel happy about it. They give us unconditional love and care for us because of what we are and because we love them back. Never judge our style, or way of life, because they are our friends. And friends do that: respect themselves and support each other in good and bad.
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