Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sami sebe zaplicemo

Sami sebe zaplicemo

Covek se uci dok je ziv. I to je sasvim u redu. Uvek ima neceg zanimljivog da se sazna, neceg bitnog da se doda na vec poznato, neka tacka na "i" koja fali. Doduse, ima i onih kojima je to sto znaju dovoljno. I to je u redu. Covek sam bira prioritete. Ja sam svoje odabrala: uciti, sve dok je mozak voljan da prihvata nove informacije. Tako sam se sad i nasla na kursu tkanja. A, posle tkanja je valjalo sasiti nesto od izatkanog materijala....... i tako je nastao moj ponco. Nije bas svetsko cudo, ali je mojih ruku delo i ja sam ponosna na sebe zbog toga. Doduse, vise mi se svidja sal, koji sam pre toga uradila, ali je ponco otkaceniji i razigraniji. Uostalom, tu su i slike, pa ocenite sami. :)

We tingle ourselves

People learn until the death comes. And it's completely right. There is always something interesting to reveal, something important to add to already known, some dot on "i" that is missing. Still, there are those people who are quite satisfied with their knowledge. And that is all right, too. One chooses his (hers) priorities. I have chosen mine: to learn until my brain is willing to accept new information. That's how I find myself on the weaving classes. And after weaving, something should be sewed from this weaved fabric........ and that's how my poncho was made. It's not one of the world's wonders, but it's my handicraft product and I am proud on myself because of this. To be honest, I prefer the shawl I made before this, but the poncho is more crazy and playful. Anyway, there are some pictures, so you can judge by yourself. :)

                                                    ponco ili sal  -  poncho versus shawl

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