Miholjsko leto i jos ponesto....
Bogu hvala na Miholjskom letu. Tako lakse prezivim zimu. Naupijam se ovog sunca, da mi potraje bar do sledeceg maja, a onda sve ispocetka. Mora da sam u nekom od proslih zivota bila guster. Ili zmaj..... Obozavam leto, ali volim i ove pozajmljene suncane dane u sred jeseni. Skoro u sred mog grada, Leskovca, izdize se brdo Hisar, koje je nekih desetak minuta hoda udaljeno od moje kuce. Zgodno mi je da tamo setam psa. Doduse, seta ga moja cerka, ja samo kaskam za njima, ali se svejedno lepo provedemo. Popnemo se trim-stazom do prvog vrha, gde se nalazi repetitor (a, nekada je tu bila i meteoroloska stanica) i spustimo stazicom u uvalu gde su retki sumarci, trnjinama obrasle livade i poneka napustena vikendica sa davno zaboravljenim i podivljalim vocnjakom, ili vinogradom. Penjemo se do kote, najvise tacke na brdu i bazamo okolisem. Negra pustimo s povodca cim udjemo u "divljinu". On se tu istrcava i juri bube i ptice, a nas dve beremo sipurke, gloginje i trnjine za caj. Zamisljamo kako su nekad ljudi ziveli jednostavnim, a ipak srecnijim zivotom.
I tako.... ceznem za jednostavnim zivotom u neiskvarenoj prirodi i sa neiskvarenim ljudima, dok kucam ovo po svom kompjuteru, da bi ga, posredstvom interneta, citali nepoznati ljudi na sasvim drugim krajevima planete. Toliko o jednostavnosti :)
Indian Summer and Some Other Stuff....
Thanks god on Indian summer. It helps me to go through winter easier. Recharge my batteries with sunshine to last till next May and then we go again. Must be that I was a lizard in my previous life. Or a dragon....
I adore summer, but I also love those borrowed sunny days in the middle of autumn. Nearly the center of my town Leskovac, there is a hill named Hissar, which is some 10 minutes (by feet) away from my house. It's very convenient for taking my dog for a walk. In fact, my daughter walks him and I move slowly behind them, but we have nice time together, anyway. We follow the running track up to the top where the tutor is placed (earlier there was also a meteorological station) and go down the path to the valley with random forests and meadows, overgrown with thorny bushes, as well as deserted cottages surrounded by long time forgotten orchards and vineyards. Walk up to the elevation, the highest spot on the hill, roaming around. Our dog Negro is off the leash as soon as we come to the "wilderness" and use it to run all over, chasing bugs and birds and two of us pick berries to dry them for tea. We imagine how people used to live simple and yet happier life earlier.
And so.... I long for the simple life and uncorrupted nature with uncorrupted people, typing this on my PC keyboard, so as unknown people all over the world could read it, thanks to internet. So much about simplicity :)
Bogu hvala na Miholjskom letu. Tako lakse prezivim zimu. Naupijam se ovog sunca, da mi potraje bar do sledeceg maja, a onda sve ispocetka. Mora da sam u nekom od proslih zivota bila guster. Ili zmaj..... Obozavam leto, ali volim i ove pozajmljene suncane dane u sred jeseni. Skoro u sred mog grada, Leskovca, izdize se brdo Hisar, koje je nekih desetak minuta hoda udaljeno od moje kuce. Zgodno mi je da tamo setam psa. Doduse, seta ga moja cerka, ja samo kaskam za njima, ali se svejedno lepo provedemo. Popnemo se trim-stazom do prvog vrha, gde se nalazi repetitor (a, nekada je tu bila i meteoroloska stanica) i spustimo stazicom u uvalu gde su retki sumarci, trnjinama obrasle livade i poneka napustena vikendica sa davno zaboravljenim i podivljalim vocnjakom, ili vinogradom. Penjemo se do kote, najvise tacke na brdu i bazamo okolisem. Negra pustimo s povodca cim udjemo u "divljinu". On se tu istrcava i juri bube i ptice, a nas dve beremo sipurke, gloginje i trnjine za caj. Zamisljamo kako su nekad ljudi ziveli jednostavnim, a ipak srecnijim zivotom.
I tako.... ceznem za jednostavnim zivotom u neiskvarenoj prirodi i sa neiskvarenim ljudima, dok kucam ovo po svom kompjuteru, da bi ga, posredstvom interneta, citali nepoznati ljudi na sasvim drugim krajevima planete. Toliko o jednostavnosti :)
Indian Summer and Some Other Stuff....
Thanks god on Indian summer. It helps me to go through winter easier. Recharge my batteries with sunshine to last till next May and then we go again. Must be that I was a lizard in my previous life. Or a dragon....
I adore summer, but I also love those borrowed sunny days in the middle of autumn. Nearly the center of my town Leskovac, there is a hill named Hissar, which is some 10 minutes (by feet) away from my house. It's very convenient for taking my dog for a walk. In fact, my daughter walks him and I move slowly behind them, but we have nice time together, anyway. We follow the running track up to the top where the tutor is placed (earlier there was also a meteorological station) and go down the path to the valley with random forests and meadows, overgrown with thorny bushes, as well as deserted cottages surrounded by long time forgotten orchards and vineyards. Walk up to the elevation, the highest spot on the hill, roaming around. Our dog Negro is off the leash as soon as we come to the "wilderness" and use it to run all over, chasing bugs and birds and two of us pick berries to dry them for tea. We imagine how people used to live simple and yet happier life earlier.
And so.... I long for the simple life and uncorrupted nature with uncorrupted people, typing this on my PC keyboard, so as unknown people all over the world could read it, thanks to internet. So much about simplicity :)
Očekujemo poziv na čaj kad zazimi :)
ReplyDeleteNaravno, Biljo :) Nista vise ne greje dusu zimi, od prijateljskog caskanja uz caj i kolacice.