Funny happy people
Uvodne reci su obicno........ bezveze. Mislim, sto bih nesto uvodila, kad mogu, prosto, da banem. Ionako je to mnogo vise u mom stilu.
E, sad, posto sam vec banula, ne ide da se naknadno predstavljam. To cemo da ostavimo za kasnije, kroz pricu, dela i ostalo. Nije ovo dzabe blog o "cudnim, srecnim ljudima". Svaka osoba na svetu je po jedno cudo u malom, po jedan original, za koji su planovi izgubljeni, pa je nemoguce izraditi jos jedno isto takvo cudo. Tako je bar u mom slucaju, Bogu hvala. Ponekad se stvarno osecam kao da sam ispala iz pesme "Totalno drukciji od drugih". Moja je casa uvek polupuna, a kad je prazna, to samo znaci da ima vise mesta za novu turu :) Zato ne prestaje da me odusevljava zivot sa svim svojim divnim trenucima koje donosi, kao i onim manje dobrim, ali koji su prepuni lekcija i novih iskustava. Kao sto vidite, nista nije tako crno, da ne bi bilo i koje svetle tacke, a ako ne vidite svetlo oko vas, to samo znaci da je ono u vama . Ne budite skrtice, podelite ga sa svetom. Moje unutrasnje svetlo u kombinaciji sa muzikom svemira, stvara dobru podlogu za zurku. Atmosferu vec imamo, dobro bi nam doslo jos malo drustva, tako da ste svi pozvani. Upadajte!
Introductions are usually....... dull. I mean, why should I introduce something, if I could just drop in? It's more my style, anyway.
Now, since I've dropped in, I can't introduce myself afterwards. I'll do it later, through stories, works and other. It's not the blog about "funny, happy people" for no reason. Every person in the world is one little miracle, an original, whose sketch is lost, so it's impossible to create another miracle equal to the first one. That's my case and thanks God for that. My glass is always half full and when it's empty, it only means that there is more space for another round :) That's why life that brings all those wonderful moments, as well as those less beautiful, but which are full with lessons and new experiences, still delights me. As you can see, nothing's so black that it couldn't keep some spot of light, but if you can't see the light around you, it only means that it's within you. Don't be so miserly, share it with the world. My inner light combined with the music of the Universe makes good base for the party. We already have an atmosphere, some company could do.... so, you're all invited. Get in!
Uvodne reci su obicno........ bezveze. Mislim, sto bih nesto uvodila, kad mogu, prosto, da banem. Ionako je to mnogo vise u mom stilu.
E, sad, posto sam vec banula, ne ide da se naknadno predstavljam. To cemo da ostavimo za kasnije, kroz pricu, dela i ostalo. Nije ovo dzabe blog o "cudnim, srecnim ljudima". Svaka osoba na svetu je po jedno cudo u malom, po jedan original, za koji su planovi izgubljeni, pa je nemoguce izraditi jos jedno isto takvo cudo. Tako je bar u mom slucaju, Bogu hvala. Ponekad se stvarno osecam kao da sam ispala iz pesme "Totalno drukciji od drugih". Moja je casa uvek polupuna, a kad je prazna, to samo znaci da ima vise mesta za novu turu :) Zato ne prestaje da me odusevljava zivot sa svim svojim divnim trenucima koje donosi, kao i onim manje dobrim, ali koji su prepuni lekcija i novih iskustava. Kao sto vidite, nista nije tako crno, da ne bi bilo i koje svetle tacke, a ako ne vidite svetlo oko vas, to samo znaci da je ono u vama . Ne budite skrtice, podelite ga sa svetom. Moje unutrasnje svetlo u kombinaciji sa muzikom svemira, stvara dobru podlogu za zurku. Atmosferu vec imamo, dobro bi nam doslo jos malo drustva, tako da ste svi pozvani. Upadajte!
Introductions are usually....... dull. I mean, why should I introduce something, if I could just drop in? It's more my style, anyway.
Now, since I've dropped in, I can't introduce myself afterwards. I'll do it later, through stories, works and other. It's not the blog about "funny, happy people" for no reason. Every person in the world is one little miracle, an original, whose sketch is lost, so it's impossible to create another miracle equal to the first one. That's my case and thanks God for that. My glass is always half full and when it's empty, it only means that there is more space for another round :) That's why life that brings all those wonderful moments, as well as those less beautiful, but which are full with lessons and new experiences, still delights me. As you can see, nothing's so black that it couldn't keep some spot of light, but if you can't see the light around you, it only means that it's within you. Don't be so miserly, share it with the world. My inner light combined with the music of the Universe makes good base for the party. We already have an atmosphere, some company could do.... so, you're all invited. Get in!
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