Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Food, food, glorious food!

Hrana, hrana, predivna hrana!

Kreativnost moze biti sakrivena na cudnim mestima. Ne mora se "visiti" po muzejima i galerijama, da bi se bio umetnik. Ako se tako osecas, onda je to- to. Budes sam svoj mali umetnik u zivotu, priznat od sebe samog, sto je i najbitnije, jer, dzaba ti slava, ako te izjeda nesigurnost. Jedan od dobrih nacina za oslobadjanje od straha "sta ce ljudi reci" je baviti se hranom. Tu postoji mnogo mogucnosti za kombinovanje, sto ukusa, to i boja i oblika, a krajnji rezultat ce ionako biti pojeden. Nema dokaza- nema zlocina :D
Sa hranom sam se "igrala" odmalena. Kad sam postala mama, dobila sam fantastican izgovor za to. U stvari, nije to ni bio izgovor, nego dobro smisljenja kampanja radi popularizovanja manje omiljene hrane. Tako je moje dete obozavalo cveklu, spanac i sargarepu, na opste zgrazavanje druge dece. Onda su dosli sestrici, bratanci i cela armija dece iz komsiluka i rodbine.....
Tradicionalno, mojim omiljenim klincima, za Novu godinu pravim keksice raznih oblika, prelivenih fondanom u raznim bojama i isto tako tradicionalno ih ne slikam. Koliko volim da pravim, toliko ne volim da slikam. I svake godine se zaricem da cu ih sledece sigurno uslikati i to je najveca laz kojom lazem samu sebe. Ali, zato je moja cerka slikala kolacice koje sam pravila svom zetu za rodjendan, a ja cu dati i recept, pa da dozivljaj bude potpun:
Umesiti testo od: 250g brasna, 125g secera, 1 kesice vanilinog secera, 1 jajeta i 125g margarina. Uviti ga u foliju i ostaviti 1/2 sata u frizider, da se ohladi. Razviti koru i modlama vaditi keksice u raznim oblicima. Ispeci i po zelji ukrasiti obojenim fondanom, sarenim mrvicama, preliti cokoladom......sve po zelji i kako vas masta ponese :)

Food, Food, Glorious Food!

Creativity could be hidden in strange places. No need to be "hanged" in museums or galleries in order to be an artist. If you feel like one- that's it. You are your own little artist in life, recognized by yourself, which is the most important, because it's useless to be famous if you lack self-confidence. One of the best ways to get rid of the "what will people say" fear is to deal with food. There are many ways of combining different tastes, colors and shapes and the best thing is that the result of it will be eaten anyway. No evidence- no crime :D
I was playing with food since I was a little girl. When I became a mom, I've got a fantastic excuse for it. In fact, it wasn't quite an excuse, more a well planned campaign in popularizing less favorite food. On that way, my kid simply adored beet, spinach and carrots which made other kids sick. After that, there came nephews and nieces, as well as the whole bunch of kids in neighborhood and family....
Traditionally, for the New Year, my favorite kids get my home made cookies, in different shapes and coated with colorful castor sugar and also traditionally, I miss to take pictures of them. As much I enjoy in making cookies, I don't enjoy in taking pictures at all. And every year, I promise to myself that I'll take pictures next year and it turns to the biggest lie. But my daughter took pictures of cookies that I made as a birthday present for my brother-in-law and I'll write a recipe, so the experience will be complete:
Make a dough from: 250g of flour, 125g sugar, a little vanilla, 1 egg and 125g of butter. Wrap in foil and leave in the refrigerator for a half of an hour to chill. Roll the dough with rolling pin to 0.5mm and cut out cookies with different molds, bake and cover with colored castor sugar, sprinkles, or melted chocolate..... according to your playful imagination and creativity :)   


Friday, October 19, 2012

Miholjsko leto i jos ponesto....

Miholjsko leto i jos ponesto....

Bogu hvala na Miholjskom letu. Tako lakse prezivim zimu. Naupijam se ovog sunca, da mi potraje bar do sledeceg maja, a onda sve ispocetka. Mora da sam u nekom od proslih zivota bila guster. Ili zmaj..... Obozavam leto, ali volim i ove pozajmljene suncane dane u sred jeseni. Skoro u sred mog grada, Leskovca, izdize se brdo Hisar, koje je nekih desetak minuta hoda udaljeno od moje kuce. Zgodno mi je da tamo setam psa. Doduse, seta ga moja cerka, ja samo kaskam za njima, ali se svejedno lepo provedemo. Popnemo se trim-stazom do prvog vrha, gde se nalazi repetitor (a, nekada je tu bila i meteoroloska stanica) i spustimo stazicom u uvalu gde su retki sumarci, trnjinama obrasle livade i poneka napustena vikendica sa davno zaboravljenim i podivljalim vocnjakom, ili vinogradom. Penjemo se do kote, najvise tacke na brdu i bazamo okolisem. Negra pustimo s povodca cim udjemo u "divljinu". On se tu istrcava i juri bube i ptice, a nas dve beremo sipurke, gloginje i trnjine za caj. Zamisljamo kako su nekad ljudi ziveli jednostavnim, a ipak srecnijim zivotom.
I tako.... ceznem za jednostavnim zivotom u neiskvarenoj prirodi i sa neiskvarenim ljudima, dok kucam ovo po svom kompjuteru, da bi ga, posredstvom interneta, citali nepoznati ljudi na sasvim drugim krajevima planete. Toliko o jednostavnosti :)

Indian Summer and Some Other Stuff....

Thanks god on Indian summer. It helps me to go through winter easier. Recharge my batteries with sunshine to last till next May and then we go again. Must be that I was a lizard in my previous life. Or a dragon....
I adore summer, but I also love those borrowed sunny days in the middle of autumn. Nearly the center of my town Leskovac, there is a hill named Hissar, which is some 10 minutes (by feet) away from my house. It's very convenient for taking my dog for a walk. In fact, my daughter walks him and I move slowly behind them, but we have nice time together, anyway. We follow the running track up to the top where the tutor is placed  (earlier there was also a meteorological station) and go down the path to the valley with random forests and meadows, overgrown with thorny bushes, as well as deserted cottages surrounded by long time forgotten orchards and vineyards. Walk up to the elevation, the highest spot on the hill, roaming around. Our dog Negro is off the leash as soon as we come to the "wilderness" and use it to run all over, chasing bugs and birds and two of us pick berries to dry them for tea. We imagine how people used to live simple and yet happier life earlier.
And so.... I long for the simple life and uncorrupted nature with uncorrupted people, typing this on my PC keyboard, so as unknown people all over the world could read it, thanks to internet. So much about simplicity :)



Saturday, October 13, 2012

November rain.....

Novembarska kisa.....

Kisni je dan, a po kisi mi se ama bas nista ne radi. Hladno mi je i bezveze, pa mi i reci nekako beze od smisla..... Taman pomislim da imam recenicu, kad se ona izmesa, izoblici i prestane da lici na ista poznato, ili bar ljudsko. Ako mi je jezik zaribao, bar su me ruke danas sluzile. Skoro da su svi modeli spremni za reviju i prodajnu izlozbu, koje ce se odrzati negde u novembru, ne zna se kad i ne zna se gde. Posto je ceo projekat pod pokroviteljstvom poljske vlade, oni biraju datum. Skola za tekstilni dizajnu u Leskovcu, kao izvodjac projekta, nalazi adekvatan prostor i organizuje kompletnu postavku, kao i marketinski deo, a ja sam, kao jedna od polaznica kursa rucnog tkanja (oko cega se sve ovo i vrti), ukljucena u zavrsno doterivanje modela, koje smo od izatkanog materijala i sasile. Da se razumemo, ja nesto nisam bas za krojenje i sivenje, pa sam uradila ponco, ali su druge zene odradile bogovski posao. Moje je bilo, da sa idejama koje imam, malo ozivim modele. I onda sam se zaigrala...... Ukljucili su se profesori, ukljucili su se i djaci, pa smo imali divnu radnu atmosferu, uz muziku i smeh, zacin koji samo mladost donosi. A, ideje su samo pljustale.... Jedva cekam izlozbu. Tada cemo i zvanicno, dobiti potvrdu da je ovo sto smo uradili stvarno dobro. Sve sto se radi srcem, bude savrseno.

November rain.....

It's a rainy day and I don't feel like doing anything. I'm cold and moody, even words run away from any sense....As soon as I think that I have a sentence, it mixes up, becomes shapeless or completely meaningless. But, if my tongue don't  work, my hands were useful today. Almost all items are ready for the exhibition , which will take part in November, with no exact date, or place yet. Since the whole project is under the patronage of the Polish government, they should pick the date. Art and Textile Design School in Leskovac, being the carrier of the project, will find the proper place, organize the entire exhibition as well as the selling out fashion show and the complete marketing. Your pest blogger (that would be me :) ) is involved in "final touch" of weaved material made clothes, because I was one among those who made them. To be clear, I'm not much of a tailor, so I've made a poncho, but other students have done divine job. My ideas helped to inspire soul in our creations. And that's when I start to play....... Then teachers took part and students from the school took part, so we had wonderful working atmosphere, with music and lot of joy, a spice that only youth is able to bring. And Ideas were showering...... I am looking forward the exhibition. Then we'll officially know that we did a great job. Everything that comes from the heart must be perfect. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ljubav, ah ljubav

Ljubav, ah ljubav

Naslov moze da prevari, pa tako, ako ste ocekivali romantiku u stilu Dzejn Ostin, predjite na citanje nekog drugog bloga. Bice ovde reci o ljubavi, ali o onoj pravoj, iskrenoj i ljubavi koja je pocetak svega, a to je ljubav prema samom sebi. Da, bas o onoj anatemisanoj vrsti, onome sto, na ovim prostorima, izjednacavaju sa sebiclukom. Ne voleti sebe, znaci ne znati voleti uopste, jer kako se moze deliti nesto sto se ne poseduje? Licemeri tvrde da vole druge vise nego sebe same, sto je potpuni paradoks. Ako ne znas da volis sebe, neces znati ni druge, odnosno, ako ne volis sebe, neces ni ugadjati sebi prijatnim osecanjima, kakvo je zadovoljstvo zbog cinjenja dobrih dela drugim ljudima. I tu bih stala sa daljim rasplinjavanjem na ovu temu. Uostalom, ionako je to samo neko moje razmisljanje naglas.....
Sto se ljubavi prema bliznjima tice, volim decu i volim zivotinje. I to je to. Zato sad, po zelji neke divne dece iz umetnicke skole (oni bi verovatno vise voleli da kazem: mladih ljudi), pokazacu pravljenje pompona, u slici i reci :)

Love, Oh Love

A title could deceive, so if you expected a romance Jane Ostin's style, go to read some other blog. This will be about love, but about the real one, true love that is the beginning of every thing and this is the love to our selves. Yes, about the anathematized kind, about the thing that equals to selfishness here. But, not to love ourselves means never knowing to love anyone else, because one can't share something that doesn't posses. Hypocrites claim that they love other people more than themselves which is a complete paradox. If you don't know how to love yourself, you won't know how to love others. In that case you won't feel like doing good to yourself by doing good things to other people. And this is the point where I would like to stop carry away in this topic. Anyway, it's only my loud thinking.....
Considering love to my fellow people, I love kids and animals. And that's all. That is why I am fulfilling a wish to some great kids from the Art school ( they would probably prefer to call them "young people") to show pom poms making, in pictures and words :)

iseci kolutove od kartona sa rupom u sredini  -  cut cardboard circles with the hole in the middle
spojiti dva kruzica i oko njih umotavati konac (najbolje je koristiti vunicu), dok se rupica u sredini skroz ne popuni  -  place two circles together and wrap thread (woolen thread is the best choice) around them until the hole is completely fulfilled
zasiti namotani konac u sredini  -  sew on wrapped thread in the middle

iseci namotani konac po ivicama kruga  -  cut wrapped thread on the edge of the circle
razdvojiti kruzice i izmedju vezati cvrsto koncem  -  separate circles and tie strongly threads between them
zaseci kartoncice i skloniti ih  -  cut cardboard circles and remove them
i evo gotovih pompona  - and pom poms are finished 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sami sebe zaplicemo

Sami sebe zaplicemo

Covek se uci dok je ziv. I to je sasvim u redu. Uvek ima neceg zanimljivog da se sazna, neceg bitnog da se doda na vec poznato, neka tacka na "i" koja fali. Doduse, ima i onih kojima je to sto znaju dovoljno. I to je u redu. Covek sam bira prioritete. Ja sam svoje odabrala: uciti, sve dok je mozak voljan da prihvata nove informacije. Tako sam se sad i nasla na kursu tkanja. A, posle tkanja je valjalo sasiti nesto od izatkanog materijala....... i tako je nastao moj ponco. Nije bas svetsko cudo, ali je mojih ruku delo i ja sam ponosna na sebe zbog toga. Doduse, vise mi se svidja sal, koji sam pre toga uradila, ali je ponco otkaceniji i razigraniji. Uostalom, tu su i slike, pa ocenite sami. :)

We tingle ourselves

People learn until the death comes. And it's completely right. There is always something interesting to reveal, something important to add to already known, some dot on "i" that is missing. Still, there are those people who are quite satisfied with their knowledge. And that is all right, too. One chooses his (hers) priorities. I have chosen mine: to learn until my brain is willing to accept new information. That's how I find myself on the weaving classes. And after weaving, something should be sewed from this weaved fabric........ and that's how my poncho was made. It's not one of the world's wonders, but it's my handicraft product and I am proud on myself because of this. To be honest, I prefer the shawl I made before this, but the poncho is more crazy and playful. Anyway, there are some pictures, so you can judge by yourself. :)

                                                    ponco ili sal  -  poncho versus shawl

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Moja porodica

Moja porodica

Osim cerke, koju imam vec 19 godina, tu je pas Negro, koji ima 3 godine, macka Dusica, koja ima oko godinu dana (tacan broj se ne zna, jer je jako sujetna, pa krije godine) i njena dva maceta od po 3 meseca, Izi i Gimli. To je nasa srecna porodica, u kojoj se svi vole i brinu jedni o drugima. Osim Dusice. Ona brine samo o sebi i o macicima, kadgod ne uspe da ih utrapi meni. Mi smo, uslovno receno, simbioza tri razlicite zivotinjske vrste i to nam uopste ne smeta. Naprotiv, slozniji smo od mnogih porodica, ciji su clanovi pripadnici iste vrste. Ovde pre svega, mislim na ljude. Na one koji nisu cudni i srecni. Mi, cudni, spavamo i jedemo sa zivotinjama i srecni smo zbog toga. One nam pruzaju nesebicnu ljubav i vole nas zbog nas samih, zato sto i mi njih volimo. Ne osudjuju nas stil oblacenja, ni nacin zivota, jer su nam prijatelji. A, prijatelji to rade: postuju se medjusobno i podrzavaju u dobru i zlu.

 My family

Beside my daughter, who's with me for 19 years, there is Negro the dog (3 years old), Dushitza the cat (about an year, the real number of her ages is unknown, because she's a lady, hides it very well) and her two kittens (3 months old) Issie and Gimley. This is our happy family, where we all love and take care of each other. Except Dushitza. She takes care of her kittens, unless she foist them on me. Still, we're a symbiosis of 3 different animal kinds and we're good with that. On the contrary, we're more harmonious than many families made of the same kind. First of all, I mean of people. Those who are not funny and happy. We, the funny ones, sleep and eat with animals and feel happy about it. They give us unconditional love and care for us because of what we are and because we love them back. Never judge our style, or way of life, because they are our friends. And friends do that: respect themselves and support each other in good and bad.